
Re-focusing on the experiences and accomplishments that I'm most proud of

Parodying the style and language of LinkedIn using HTML/CSS/JavaScript.


As I'm coming to the end of my undergraduate career, it can feel like I'm being asked to define myself now more than ever — What did I major in? Do I have an internship for the summer? What are my post-grad plans? Etc. Most people are well-meaning and just genuinely curious, but it often makes me think about the ways in which I’m asked to present myself solely in terms of professional achievements or academic success. It makes me reflect on the value of all these other, I think, even more defining experiences that just go unacknowledged on things like a resume or LinkedIn page. Here, I wanted to re-write that and sort of flip that on it’s head with “LinkedOut” — re-focusing on the experiences and accomplishments that I’m most proud of from these past few years beyond any class or job, for instance. At the end of the day, I want to define myself and my time in college more by these experiences and less by the professional, or oversimplified ones.